Friday, September 26, 2008

You've got a social life? You must not have children!

"Mom - I've got a playdate with Cameron" my son informs me today.
And I've got a playdate with Neeve" interrupts my daughter.
My son wants to go to his friend's house. My daughter wants to have her friend come over to our house.
I quickly do a mental check and try and remember if I've cleaned up the dishes from this morning... yup, all clear.
Now I just gotta figure out a way to drop off my son and make it back to my place in time for my daughter's playdate. And then, of course, once that is over, race over to my son's friend and pick him up again.
Did I mention I need to make dinner but instead I'm running around like a chaffeur?
I spend more time making phone calls on behalf of my offspring, arranging and re-arranging playdates than any phone calls I make for my own social life.
In fact, my big calendar on the fridge is colourfully marked with all their activities (my daughter has Sparks and Art and my son has Karate twice a week) as well as playdates.
The other day I was trying to schedule some alone time for me and my husband, and I had to 'fit it in' between all the children's activities!!
Who knew 8 and 6 year olds could have a more active social life than their 35 year old parents?

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Dear Jerk behind me in line at the grocery store

If my children hadn't been with me today, I would've decked you. Right in front of all those witnesses.
I know that you were quite vocal in your displeasure with my son today, and I congratulate you about not only embarrassing yourself and us, but about making a little 8 year old boy feel truly humiliated.
You see, this is the type of behaviour I expect from kids his age at school, though luckily there hasn't been any. But not from a 40 something old in a public place.
I realize that the loud squeaking coming from him bothered you. In fact, I think even the cashier heard you complaining about it, and she was a few feet away from us. And I couldn't help noticing you giving him a dirty look when he kept jerked his head back repeatedly. I especially am impressed with your sensitive nature when you loudly declared "there's something wrong with this kid"!
My son's tics got progressively louder after that, and he couldn't wait to get back into the car. Him and I both.
Your insensitive and thoughtless act has done damage to a sensitive young soul. I am very glad that my 6 year old daughter had the sense to scold you and tell you to 'stop being rude'! You see, she understands that when someone is different - we do not point or loudly talk about that difference. She also understands that the person that is different than her, has the same feelings that she does, and therefore she wanted you to stop making her brother feel bad.
If you had been nicer, or perhaps more sensitive, I could have told you that my son has Tourette's. He has involuntary tics. He squeaks, he grunts and he blinks his eyes a hundred times a minute. He also shrugs his shoulders and leans his head backward.
These don't usually occur at the same time, and they are usually not loud/pronounced enough for anyone to comment on them. Surpressing a tic only works for a short period of time. And it requires tremendous amount of concentration and effort, time better spent on other things - you know, like being 8 years old. A tic is like a sneeze, you can hold it back for a while, but eventually it has to come out.
I am mortified at your behaviour, I am amazed that I felt powerless to defend my son - normally I am much more confrontational when I feel strongly about something. I guess you took me off guard.
I went home and talked to my son about people like you. We both agree that you wouldn't make a very good friend.
Today I had a glimpse of what life could be like for my son. But I also had a glimpse of the strength that his sister displayed and the grace with which my son handled the situation. I would've burst into tears if I had been 8 and I had a grown up talk about me like that.
My son is wise beyond his years.
You however, need to go back to kindergarten.
I think you may have missed out on the first lesson:
Treat others like you want to be treated.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Now that Big Brother's over...

Yesterday the cleaners got fired, so we all had to take our garbage to the dump ourselves.
Nothing like trotting across the parking lot in stilletos and a white leaking bag of crap.
Today the water guy came in an proceeded to remove our water cooler.
Did I mention we're on well water? Hello!!!
Anybody else smell layoffs coming?