Last night there was a hockey game in town and some joker who got called out of the crowd had his dream come true. There was a contest, and he had 25 seconds on the clock, to shoot the puck in the net a minimum 15 out of 20 times (further away for each shot).
Joker-boy apparantly is a secret NHL wannabe, because he scored the required shots on net and for his 25 seconds got himself not only a brand new 2008 vehicle, but also, (are you ready for this?)
$1,000000 !!!
That is 6 zeros people!
1 Million dollars for doing fuck-all.
How do I sign up for that? Do I need to go on unemployment insurance and play street hockey in the back of my house all day? Would that help?
Perhaps I need to go and buy a coffee at the Tim Horton's down the street. They are having a millionaire contest too. All you have to do is "Roll up the Rim to Win" ~(name of actual contest)~ You drink, you roll up the rim of your paper cup and voila, you can win the riches of your dreams.
Since when does it take no skill or effort to become rich? Oh yeah, I know, they have that skill testing question : How much is 19 + 5? Calculator included.
Since when does it take no skill or effort to become rich? Oh yeah, I know, they have that skill testing question : How much is 19 + 5? Calculator included.
Seriously though. I'm really tired of people becoming rich (or famous for that matter) for nothing at all.
Let Paris Hilton lead the way!
We're enabling people every day to be lazy and reward them for it too. Damn squeegee kids at every red light with last night's dirty bathwater.
"Hey miss - want me to clean your windows ?" No you freak, step away from my car.
Clearly, I must have a stick stuck up my you know what, I know. But I hate this type of behaviour.
You know what else I hate? Giving money to young people in designer sneakers holding up signs that say:
"Homeless and hungry".
How are you homeless? Didn't you just get out of that soccer mom's van over there?
What the hell is wrong with you!
When I walk the streets of Vancouver (In a totally non-hooker type of way) I realize that we have used every excuse in the book not to work.
People have signs that say "Will work for food", but then turn up their noses at my mystery meat sandwhich.
One lady, who did in fact look homeless, had a thousand piercings in her face. It was hot outside and she was begging for money for food as well. I think someone offered her some water, but it just spilled out of all the holes and she was right back at square one.
Last weekend there was a bum with a sign that read: "Stranded here from planet Zuxlu. Need money to fix my spaceship. Please help"
Well, I did give to him.
Dude was stuck here.