But what the hell do I know? We got divorced, maybe that was the golden ticket?
Friday, December 28, 2007
Just a littly PUSHY?
But what the hell do I know? We got divorced, maybe that was the golden ticket?
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Saturday, December 15, 2007
too politically correct
She told my 5 year old: " You should say happy holidays, since not everyone celebrates Christmas".
My daughter just looked at her with a blank expression on her face.Then she looked up at me. I could see the sales person waiting for me to echo her sentiment, and to use this opportunity to teach my child the 'correct' way to greet someone during December.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
sluts or skanks? Neither, just a new girl

She's sweet as pie, but clueless. Men have two views to choose from. If they're in front of her, and she's at the desk -while they are standing mind you- they get to look down her shirt. If they're behind her, watching her lean over her desk, they get to see the pretty rhinestones in her g-string.
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Are we 20 something?

Us girls sitting on one of the girls husbands after one too many drinks. And here is a close up of the poor guy's face in case you missed it
He woke up in the middle of the night to find himself -still fully clothed- halfway on the bed. His head and torso had reached the end of the bed, but sadly the rest of him didn't. He woke up with the lower part of his body still kneeling on the floor, beside the bed.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Bigaffes and Hostables
It's a brand new freakin' laptop. I've been having computer problems lately...or haven't you noticed? It's fantastic. And portable. (a key element in a laptop, I must say) Sure am glad JP fessed up. I hate surprises, even good ones. Aren't I a drag?
I should tell you about my absentee blog-ism as of late. (new word I've just made up) Because we're so smart, we decided to play 'trading spaces' / 'musical chairs' at our house. Oh yeah, just before the holidays seems like a perfect time to renovate every single room of the home. My son moved into a brand new room that we added on, so we had drywallers and flooring installers here last month. Then of course we had to paint. (by we I mean I) Cunning as I am, I convinced my son it looks fantastic with just one wall painted, and left the other three the way they were.
My daughter -who up to now shared a room with her brother - got our bedroom. (the kids had the master bedroom before, and our room was smaller) But now that he has his own room, and she didn't want to stay in the big room all alone, she also moved into a new room. Our old one. More painting, furniture shopping/assembling, and hair pulling -by me~
Only for lack of options, we ended up in the kids old room ...which origianlly was the master bedroom, it's huge and it's got great potential. But now, after doing the kids rooms we're exhausted, and want a break from painting/renovating. So, we've decided we'll not paint til the new year.
Too bad the kids room was multicolored. One wall yellow, one lime green one blue and one pink. I think I know what it feels like to be on acid now. Wanna try? Come over and try and sleep in my bedroom.
It sure does bring me back though, staring at those walls. (no no, not to the time I did mushrooms in highschool) but to the days when they were little. And when they used to talk like little kids: Bigaffe and Hostable. (my daughter couldn`t say giraffe and hospital for the longest time, and now being in their room makes me long for the days when she used to talk like that.)
So there you have it boys and girls, I`m back and I`m sitting in my psychadellic room on my new laptop.
Poor JP, I wonder what he`s gonna buy me for Christmas next?
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Los Angeles - Day One, Two and Three - you ready?
And we're off! Once on the plane we have the pleasure of sitting directly in front of the parent who doesn't believe in any discipline and they have the crazy 18month old toddler who kicks and screams and runs all around the aisles. Yes, that was a fun 3 hours!
We got to LA in one piece, and headed for the MARRIOTT hotel. When we get there, they inform us - to our surprise - that we are going to have to press PH on the elevator. (THAT'S RIGHT, Penthouse!!!!)
We immediatly want to go out and check out our surroundings so we take JP's mega camera out, and try not to look like tourists and blend in, hehe.
Rodeo Drive is only 3 blocks long, but those 3 short blocks constitute the most famous shopping district in America and probably the most expensive three blocks of shops in the world.
Oh yeah, I did drag him there. He had no idea about Rodeo Drive (he kept calling it Rodeo, like the rodeo as in cowboy! Puleeeze!!) He looked at it once we got there and I'm sure he thought we wouldn't be there very long.
But I wanted to visit my friends: Tiffany, Cartier, Valentino, Gianni Versace, Christian Dior, Dolce & Cabbana, Louis Vuitton, Gucci, Armani and Hermes.
And Rosie O'Donnell and Julia Roberts have talked about them, so I had to try them (yup, I'm THAT shallow) Yum yum yum.