Friday, June 27, 2008
I must speak more slowly...

Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Free Money
Well, today I got my very first cheque with the new amount. It was considerably higher than I'd expected. I called him at work, we both laughed and cheered.
Saturday, June 21, 2008
You're supposed to sum up your last 15 years in 10 bullet points, as if you were talking to someone who used to know you before.
15 years ago = June 1993.
1. 1993 = I was living in Berlin, as an exchange student.
(actually I was supposed to be there for 6 months, but I fell in love with it, and didn't want to return. To my teacher and parents' dismay, I decided to just 'stay longer' and I stretched it out to a full year... I'll never forget it.)
2. 1994 = Came back and graduated from highschool in Canada
3. 1995 = Went to Mexico, for vacation, met a cute latin bartender and decided to stay there.
5. 1998 = Divorced the cute bartender because he didn't want to have babies, moved back to Canada.
(Yeah, yeah, before you think "of course it didn't work!" let me just say that I think we'd have had a good shot at making it, had we agreed on this issue. Of course, perhaps we SHOULD'VE discussed it BEFORE we got married, but in our defense, we hardly spoke the other one's language when we first met...lol. -wait, I think I may have just made that worse- Hehe. I still keep in touch with him - he's remarried and still doesn't want children)
6. 1999 = Came back to Canada and married my best guy friend - because he wanted babies
(After my first divorce I was devastated, I was heartbroken. My friend, who'd always liked me, was nice to me and we seemed to have the same goals so we decided - on a whim one weekend- we'd get married and have babies. Lots of babies. That would make it all okay I thought and it'd get me over my loss)
7. 2000 = Had my first baby. A boy. Yeay.
(We had our first child right away, and I was over the moon.)
8. 2002 = Had second baby. This time a girl. Yeay again.
(Again, I was over the moon, I had two babies - one boy one girl. What more could I ask for?)
9. 2004 = Divorced best guy friend and remained friends.
(We realized that our marriage was a mistake since we were more friends than anything. Unfortunatly it was a rebound relationship. A weird fit from the start. The divorce was a good idea, but breaking up our family was the hardest thing I've ever had to do)
10. 2006 = Met my frenchie... and two years later married him.
If you want to do the MEME - let me know that you've done it, and I'll be the first to come by and read it.
Thursday, June 19, 2008

So, I chose not to answer. I hate not knowing who is calling ahead of time. I'm one of those people who will screen my calls.
"Uh, I think someone called me from this number".
A man's voice answers back in a very thick accent, appologizing for dialing the wrong number.
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Being jerked around
Watching 'I've fallen and I can't get up' commercial.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Don't tell anyone but...
Just 2 months ago, we were told that he may have Tourette's as well. I was speechless. Shell shocked beyond belief. Images of my son's young life flashed before me, and all I could imagine is years of children laughing and teasing and pointing until he'd be so humiliated and insecure that he'd become a shell of a child.
It was awful, being in my head. I cried more than I ever have in my life.
After all, I spent my first 23 years being vain, and shallow and judgemental.
My son teaches me about humility and acceptance every day.
I needed him.