This weekend was one of the funnest weekends in a long time.
It was our company's long awaited Christmas party (yes, a little early). Each year, the boss invites all of us and our families to Whistler. For those of you who are not familiar with Whistler, here's a hint: it's where part of the 2010 Winter Olympics will be held, they are co-hosting with Vancouver.
It's a winter wonderland resort, about 1.5 hours away from here.


Each year he splurges on this fantastic trip and we all look forward to it. This year was especially great since all of us were either newlyweds or recently engaged. So we were looking forward to spending some quality time with some adults our age.
On Friday night after we got there we took care of
business first:
1. Check into the suite.
2. Go to village and find booze.
Once we've successfully completed our mission in the village, we headed back to the hotel for the hot tubs outside. It felt like frostbite on my feet just walking to them outside -remember it's snowing in Whistler- but once inside the hot tub, all was well.
Here is where we stopped acting like 30-somethings and turned back into 20 year olds.
Someone mentioned a small get together in room 619. Sure we went.
And here are some picture from this very mature event:


The girls before we got hammered. After a lot of drinks looked like a frat party

Us girls sitting on one of the girls husbands after one too many drinks. And here is a close up of the poor guy's face in case you missed it
Jp had the girls going wild for him
We went back to our room around 3am, in pretty rough shape.
I wish I had a picture to describe what happened next. I passed out on the bed, while JP was in the bathroom brushing his teeth. By the time he came back out, I guess the distance to the bed seemed too long, because he only made it half way there.
He woke up in the middle of the night to find himself -still fully clothed- halfway on the bed. His head and torso had reached the end of the bed, but sadly the rest of him didn't. He woke up with the lower part of his body still kneeling on the floor, beside the bed.
Now that is drunk.