Hope you are all full of holiday spirit and you and your family enjoy this special time~
Friday, December 12, 2008
Merry Xmas from us to you!
Hope you are all full of holiday spirit and you and your family enjoy this special time~
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Not to mention meeting bloggers that you may or may not know in the blogworld. From all over the world!! (I can't think of a better opportunity than this)
Sunday, November 23, 2008
19 days gone...
Jp will be in Montreal next weekend, from thursday to monday - so I will have plenty of time for blogging... just giving you the heads up.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Let's move on
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
You want spooky? Read this!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Speaking of odd..
Friday, September 26, 2008
You've got a social life? You must not have children!
I spend more time making phone calls on behalf of my offspring, arranging and re-arranging playdates than any phone calls I make for my own social life.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Dear Jerk behind me in line at the grocery store
You see, this is the type of behaviour I expect from kids his age at school, though luckily there hasn't been any. But not from a 40 something old in a public place.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Now that Big Brother's over...
Sunday, August 24, 2008
For those of you who have recently moved to the neighborhood, welcome. This is really the kind of place most people usually only read about. It's nowhere in particular, but right outside your front door. You can be yourself. Or anyone else for that matter.
Blog land has rules, as most good lands do. But blogland's rules are a bit sketchy and not as rigid. Most of us who live here are easygoing and there are not a lot of hooligans around. I am only guessing, but if we were to be asked what motivated us to move to blogland, I bet most would say we were just looking for a place to be ourselves .
So we moved and we built our own little space, eventually we met the neighbours. Like all lands, we'll have many that we instantly click with and like to catch up with every day and some that we don't click with as well, but feel like we have to stop and wave every once in a while or they'll get mad.
Sometimes we get stuck in a neighbourhood with that one neighbour that nobody likes but everyone sort of puts up with. Probably the lady with the hundred cats, who nobody visits. She'll sometimes come by and you just think to yourself " I bet those cats would leave too, if they weren't locked in"...
Another common trend in our land is voyeurism. We all have those familiar faces that we see, and start to recognize, but for some reason they never stop to wave or say hi. They just watch us from the car. Then they leave just as quickly as they came, but days later, we spot them again. Makes me wonder, why are they here? Are they scouting the neighbourhood, trying to decide if they want to move there? Or are they simply lost? Should I say hi first?
I wonder if it's hard being a police officer in blogland. It's really not a very fast paced place. I doubt the officers get to write a lot of tickets for not stopping at the red blog. Or taking off too quick from another one. Indeed it's the kind of place where all happens at your own pace, and on your own time. If you don't have time for it today, blogland waits for your tomorrow.
Sort of like Florida I would imagine.
Sometimes it seems like a "masquerade party".... everyone has their own masks on, looking for clues to other's identity. Some are quite cleverly disguised...like the cat lady, (who I bet, if you look closer is probably male) and some not so much.
After almost a year of being here, I have decided that I am glad I moved here, and have all of you as neighbours. I am happy to come home and catch up with you, learn about your day, and even after I am asleep, it feels good to know that you can still check up on me.
Even those of you who never stop and say hi.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Is it over yet?
Nature sucks.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Saturday, August 9, 2008
I'm doing what?!
But what started off as something I wanted to do for me, somehow ended up being something I do for others.
Which brings me to now:
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Blogger eats comments?!
Saturday, August 2, 2008
A tourist in my own town
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Or so they say....
Furthermore suppose that the same Ms. Snobby comes back to pick up junior and wants to come in. Suppose you let the kids play quietly by themselves, and are quite proud of how nicely and quietly they've been playing.
Assume that you let Ms. Snobby into the house and together you go to get junior for her. Then suppose they are not in their room, so you call for them. Pretend that their voices are coming from the bathroom down the hall...
Skip to the part where you enter the bathroom, and find the kids sticking maxi pads ALL OVER YOUR BATHROOM WALLS. ("mom, we're wallpapering your bathroom")
How would you feel?
Monday, July 21, 2008
Couldn't think of 6, so you get 100.
I was tagged again, by V.V. Dancing Madrona this time, to write 6 things about myself.
1. I was born in Transylvania.
2. I lived there until my teenage years.
3. I legally changed my first name at 25.
4. I also added a middle name just for fun at the same time.
5. My astrological sign is Cancer.
6. English is my 3rd language.
7. I also speak a 4th.
8. I don't have a birth certificate.
9. I have been married. And divorced. Twice.
10. I always wanted to have blue eyes.
11. My favorite movie is "Seven Brides for Seven Brothers".
12. I broke both my arms twice. Not at the same time.
13. I read by candle light while I was young, and have bad eyes because of it.
14. I don't like to eat red meat. Or pork.
15. I became a parent by accident.
16. My grandfather was a gypsy.
17. My blood type is 0 negative.
18. I don't like public pools.
19.I required stitches after my left foot got accidentally hit with an axe by my friend.
20. I prefer pickles to cookies.
21. While visiting a foreign country I decided to live there, and simply stayed. For 4 years.
22. I weigh the same now as I did in high school.
23. I prefer white gold to gold.
24. I ate my first banana at age 13.
25. My husband is my best friend.
26. My best girl friend forgot I existed the moment she met her current boyfriend, that was last year...
27. I have a good memory. When I was younger I could remember all the numbers on a telephone book page. I don't think that was useful information.
28. In school I got bugged for getting good grades.
29. My shoe size is 7.
30. I am an only child.
31. I want to live in South America.
32. I don't sew. Not even a button.
33. When I was 16 my French teacher said I'd never amount to anything.
35. My first kiss was in grade 8.
36. I once accidentally killed a bird by running it over.
37. I am outspoken and am often perceived as abrupt or insensitive.
38. I get nightmares when I am upset.
39. I never had to wear braces.
40. I have recently switched jobs.
41. I love paint-by-numbers projects.
42. Between JP and me, we have 4 children.
43. 3 out of the 4 are affected by autism.
44. I don't like snow.
45. I'm afraid of flying. And bears. Equally.
46. I have been "the other woman".
47. Past lives fascinate me.
48. I am a cat person.
49. When I was pregnant I was in a car accident.
50. I have scoliosis because of it.
51. My exboyfriend is my only regret.
52. I own more than one wig.
53. I don't understand computers.
54. My cousin and I recently found out we're in fact not related at all.
55. I had a job once that was only based on commission. It was one of my favorites.
56. I don't own an ipod. Or an mp3 player.
57. I only listen to Country Music.
58. I don't care if people make fun of it.
59. I have no traditions that I can remember.
60. I drive 60 minutes to eat at my favorite restaurant.
61. I am an auditory learner.
62. In university I taped my lectures and listened to them in my car.
63. When I was young I thought I'd be an astronaut.
64. Looking at a rollercoaster gets me motion sick.
65. My Christmas decorations come down on Boxing Day.
66. I read all my junk mail.
67. I don't camp. Ever.
68.When I was a kid, I almost got bit by a snake.
69. I woke up once to find a cockroach on my face in Mexico.
70. I drove on the autobahn in Germany at 16.
71. I (used to) take 4 sugars in my coffee. Now I'm down to 2.
72. I re-decorate and re-paint my bedroom on a regular basis.
73. My friends are mostly male. (actually this is no longer true)
74. I recently had a hernia that needed to be operated on.
75. Both my kids were colicky as infants.
76. I always wanted to have an easy last name. Never happened.
77. I can not catch a ball that is thrown at me.
78. I am over sensitive to criticism.
79. I have a tattoo.
80. After that I discovered I am allergic to tattoo ink.
81. I only drink one or two cups of water a day.
82. The first thing I notice about people is their eyebrows.
83. I am slightly claustrophobic.
84. My favorite book is still "1984".
85. When I was in high school my best friend and I made up our own secret language. It included symbols and characters. I still remember it.
86. I rarely chew gum. It reminds me of cows.
87. I had a paper route when I was a kid.
88. I've never had chicken pox.
89. I prefer the toilet paper to roll off the top.
90. I almost ate turtle once, but couldn't go through with it.
91. I like to smell things. All things. I do it subconsciously and it annoys people.
92. I can't fall asleep if music is on.
93. I like traditional man/woman roles.
94. When brushing my teeth, I like to sit on my bathroom counter.
95. I don't like when teachers go on strike.
96. I used to eat pizza with just green olives on it. Yum.
97. I cut my tomatoes is wedges not slices.
98. I pay my bills as soon as I get them in the mail.
99. As a child I used to pick up frogs and kiss them to see if they’d turn into princes.
100. I take great pleasure in refilling things, like salt shakers and liquid soap dispensers.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Out of the hospital
You guys all rock.
This one is also a lymph node virus, but it's one that he can recover from on his own. It's just going to take another week or so before he is all better and back to normal.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
To lighten the mood somewhat, and because it's my birthday tomorrow, JP and I went golfing. It's something we like doing together. I am not good at all, so he's teaching me :-) Here is a short clip of us, isn't his accent just so cute?
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Un Fucking Believable
I am so mad. Let me start at the beginning. A month ago I get a call from my mastercard company, Capital One. (That's right, I'm naming names)
Me: "Of course you wouldn't."
Me: "Nope. Can we just forget the whole thing now, and I'll just keep my old one"
I hang up.
Me: " Where the hell is my card?"
Me: "Well, did you send it to me?! 'Cause I didn't get it. Just like the first one I didn't get. And now I have no c/c"
Me: "Indeed. When can I expect it?"
Me: "So, just for the activation, the person would need a password to activate it?"
CO: " That is correct. That way it can only be activated by you."
I call them again. I can't even get a word in, she asks for my password.
Me: "Yeah, that's what I'm calling about. I shouldn't have a password on my account. It was supposed to be for activation purposes only. But I just activated it, without being asked for the password."
Me: "Well, I called the number on the orange sticker. It was an automated line."
CO:"We can't have passwords on the automated line. Only at customer service".
CO: "It would have had they called the customer service line"
Me: "You're missing the point. Never mind. Just take the damn thing off and let's just get on with it."
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Offensive to sensitive readers
Tuesday, July 1, 2008


Friday, June 27, 2008
I must speak more slowly...

Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Free Money
Well, today I got my very first cheque with the new amount. It was considerably higher than I'd expected. I called him at work, we both laughed and cheered.
Saturday, June 21, 2008
You're supposed to sum up your last 15 years in 10 bullet points, as if you were talking to someone who used to know you before.
15 years ago = June 1993.
1. 1993 = I was living in Berlin, as an exchange student.
(actually I was supposed to be there for 6 months, but I fell in love with it, and didn't want to return. To my teacher and parents' dismay, I decided to just 'stay longer' and I stretched it out to a full year... I'll never forget it.)
2. 1994 = Came back and graduated from highschool in Canada
3. 1995 = Went to Mexico, for vacation, met a cute latin bartender and decided to stay there.
5. 1998 = Divorced the cute bartender because he didn't want to have babies, moved back to Canada.
(Yeah, yeah, before you think "of course it didn't work!" let me just say that I think we'd have had a good shot at making it, had we agreed on this issue. Of course, perhaps we SHOULD'VE discussed it BEFORE we got married, but in our defense, we hardly spoke the other one's language when we first met...lol. -wait, I think I may have just made that worse- Hehe. I still keep in touch with him - he's remarried and still doesn't want children)
6. 1999 = Came back to Canada and married my best guy friend - because he wanted babies
(After my first divorce I was devastated, I was heartbroken. My friend, who'd always liked me, was nice to me and we seemed to have the same goals so we decided - on a whim one weekend- we'd get married and have babies. Lots of babies. That would make it all okay I thought and it'd get me over my loss)
7. 2000 = Had my first baby. A boy. Yeay.
(We had our first child right away, and I was over the moon.)
8. 2002 = Had second baby. This time a girl. Yeay again.
(Again, I was over the moon, I had two babies - one boy one girl. What more could I ask for?)
9. 2004 = Divorced best guy friend and remained friends.
(We realized that our marriage was a mistake since we were more friends than anything. Unfortunatly it was a rebound relationship. A weird fit from the start. The divorce was a good idea, but breaking up our family was the hardest thing I've ever had to do)
10. 2006 = Met my frenchie... and two years later married him.
If you want to do the MEME - let me know that you've done it, and I'll be the first to come by and read it.
Thursday, June 19, 2008

So, I chose not to answer. I hate not knowing who is calling ahead of time. I'm one of those people who will screen my calls.
"Uh, I think someone called me from this number".
A man's voice answers back in a very thick accent, appologizing for dialing the wrong number.