Thursday, October 30, 2008

Let's move on


It is almost Halloween after all... and now that we've had the spooky post below, let's have a fun one above it.
Today at work, there was a pumpkin carving contest. Big deal, right? Yeah, that's what I thought too. Oh my gosh was I wrong! WOW
Each department got into it and they were soo competitive. I've never seen anything like it. Now I didn't have a camera handy to take pictures of all the different departments, and because this was a raffle for charity, the pumpkins have already been 'won' by people so they are gone.
But I do have some shots that I received via email from a co worker of a few of the departments... including the department who won the contest.
Here's what we did all day at work, lol.
First up:
Finance Department
They turned their pumpkin into Cinderella...glitter and everything on their pumpkin. How stinkin' cute is that? This was the first pumpkin on display, so it raised the bar. No one even thought about add-ons before
Next up, came
Police Department
Theirs was the most fun one. If you look closely you can see the half eaten doughnut and coffee on the car. And they are carrying a smaller pumpkin behind them (there is a sign on top marked 'paddy wagon', lol)
Ours is the
Tax Department
We pretty much freaked out when we saw the other ones, as our department consists of 5 girls. Our idea of carving a pumpkin was cut out triangles and a mouth. So, we downloaded some 'easy clown mask pumpkin tips' from the internet and went to the dollar store to buy a carving kit on our break. Then, I called my dad and asked him to raid my daughter's toybox and bring me her Mr. Potato Head's arms so I could use them.
I am not sure what the next one is really supposed to be:
Community Services Department
And the winner is
The Planning Department
It's no wonder they deal with building permits and construction by-laws. I mean just LOOK at their work of art. This must have been planned for for a while. I mean, seriously, did they create blueprints for it? It was awesome. I even voted for it to win, even though I told the girls in Taxes that I voted for ours, tee hee.
My only question is, for the people who won these pumpkins... I wonder how they took them home in one piece?
I guess I'll find out tomorrow.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

You want spooky? Read this!

Okay so I am pissed.
I spent about a week and a half thinking of what to do about this blog. As you all know, I went private for 2 weeks to privately mourn when JP left. Since he's come back and we're working things out, I wanted to make the blog un-private again.
Then I saw a website that my lovely ex boyfriend put up about me. So I clammed up and quickly went private again, when I realized this person is STILL keeping such close tabs on me.
I mean, seriously? You still read me? WTH?
I am angry, freaked out and a bit disturbed by this. He has taken posts that i've written in the past, and spun his own interpretation of it on this web page. Never mind that he's taken something out of contest, or that it's not even true.
Those of you who have read me for a while will remember these posts... after each post he claims something.
At first he claims I went private because I wanted to bad mouth my exhusband Richard. As you all know, (since you've read me for 2 years) that is not the case. I went private because this nutbar (still clearly) followed my life on the blog and I was uncomfortable with that.
Then he claimed I lied about our wedding day. No I didn't. As you all remember, I got married in July and our pictures got lost. We re-did our pictures on our Alaskan cruise, which was in September. (Sept. 11 also happens to be the day we met, so we alwasy from the Alaskan cruise on have referred to that as our anniversary)
Third he claims I bad mouthed JP for leaving me (which you ALL KNOW I DIDN'T) and he claims JP left me for a 'not keeping my legs closed'.... dumbass doesn't know what he's talking about.
Lastly, (on a private blog that only a handful of people still read) I revealed that we were expecting. Obviously that wasn't meant to be, since we lost it are no longer pregnant. He pokes fun at that as well and claims I must have lied since the picture on my blog shows me thin.
I have not retalliated, but I have contacted the municipal police department. I had filed a complaint with them before about him, about a year or so ago... so they have that on file. They told me that if I could prove he's lying and they can do something about it, because its slander.
Now I have two lawyers (Dave and Karen) who read this blog... tell me what my options are here, as I'm getting really fed up of turning the other cheek.
And now, after all that, here is the website (I am only showing you because I contacted Blogger and they said if enough people 'flag' his website they can take action against him as well.)
. *and yes, for those of you who remember, this was my original blog about how JP and I met, but I deleted it after this asshole found it... then he goes and re-instates it and writes this crap about me*
You tell me, WHO DOES THAT?!
And what should I do about this? Un-private-ize it so he can see that I'm exposing him? Or just keep staying private?

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Speaking of odd..

So I took my toyota to get serviced this weekend. All nice and good. When I went to get in and drive it home, I noticed that all my radio pre-sets were changed. WTF?
WHO does that to a vehicle they service?
I guess nobody likes country anymore...
I *heart* my new job.
The benefits are amazing, we even get to use the gym on our one hour lunch break if we want to (for a nominal fee each pay period). And we get to park underground - for a nominal fee each pay period. We pay 6% of our pay to our pension plan each pay period (the govt matches our contribution), and (yes, you guessed it!!) for a nominal fee each pay period we also get to have cappucinos or all sorts of goodies delivered to our desks each day.
(I can already FEEL me gain back all that weight I lost, haha)
However, by the time you add all these nominal fees all together, I figure I'll be bringing home about $5 every two weeks...